Posts tagged Photography

Have you ever seen a photo and thought,

"I wonder what that image was trying to communicate?"

Photographed for Alliance

Maybe what it was trying to communicate was, "I sauteed mushrooms for HOURS for this dish, and it's about to get even better with a sprinkle of these porcini mushrooms that I've dried myself."

Or maybe it was, "This is the PERFECT fall outfit."

Or maybe it was, "There are SO many types of sushi!"

Or maybe that's not what it was trying to communicate at all. Maybe it was trying to sell you something. Maybe it was just trying to make you laugh.

So much can be communicated with an image. And so much of that communication is dependent on one thing: good design. Good design can make or break a visual—it can elevate something good into something great or turn an incredible idea into something that makes people go "Huh?"

Good design takes work. It takes collaboration and iteration and the ability to look at your creation from every angle. It takes knowing when your design is working and when it isn't—and being willing to start over and do things differently if it isn't. Great visual design can tell a story, evoke emotion, and help you achieve your goals.

Plain Jane

The perfect picture is worth a thousand words

(and maybe even a thousand sales)!

Photographed for Plain Jane

Did you know that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text? That's because of the way our brains evolved: we've been using pictures to communicate since the beginning. So it makes sense that, as marketers, we should use visuals to get our message across when possible.

But what exactly makes for a good visual?

First of all, you want it to be clear—not cluttered with unnecessary text or other distracting elements. A picture with a lot of stuff going on can be hard to understand and will lose the viewer's attention quickly.

Beyond that, the best visuals are the ones that make you feel something. Whether it's happiness or sadness or excitement or even anger, if your product photo can evoke an emotion then it has done its job well!

Lucky Elk

Your content can't speak for itself.

You need the right visuals to back it up.

Photographed for Lucky Elk

Spending hours on a sales landing page that gets zero conversions? It's because you haven't integrated powerful visuals into your content.

With strong marketing visuals, you can:

• Make a product pop

• Clarify and direct your viewer's attention

• Tell a compelling story


Truthfully, I believe that content is everything.

Because even if people aren't reading what you wrote, they're seeing the images you posted or watching the videos you produced.


And when someone sees those things? They have a reaction. They trust what they see, whether it's good or bad. Even if they don't have time to engage—even if they don't click through to read more—they still see what you're putting out there and make decisions about who you are based on your content alone (whether it's intentional or not).

So what does this mean for YOU? It means that when you put something out there, it needs to be GOOD—not just good enough for now or just good enough for right this second. It has to be good enough for everyone who will ever see it, because the internet never forgets.


The #1 rule of sales is:

don't be afraid to get creative!

Photography for RXD Co

Great visuals can be powerful—to create a desired reaction, to direct a viewer's attention, or to tell story. When designing marketing visuals for your company, images should be clear and not cluttered with excess text or unnecessary clutter. Ask yourself: what are you trying to gain from this image? You'll be able to back up your product and/or message with it.

As humans, we can process images 60,000 times faster than we can text. When someone looks at an image, they'll have a strong emotional response—which makes it the perfect tool for selling your product!

High Garden

In a world where content is created and consumed at an exponential rate,

you need to find ways to cut through the noise and rise above it.

High Garden

Your product might be awesome, but if your customers can't see it, how will they know it?

Enter: great visuals.

Great visuals can be powerful—to create a desired reaction, to direct a viewer's attention, or to tell a story. When designing marketing visuals for your company, images should be clear and not cluttered with excess text or unnecessary clutter. Ask yourself: what are you trying to gain from this image? You'll be able to back up your product and/or message with it.

As a marketer or business owner, you have to carefully consider what your visual communication strategy is going to look like. How will you use visuals in your marketing? Will they be used across multiple platforms or on a particular social media site? What types of designs will you use? (Infographics, photography, illustrations, etc.) What is the message you want to convey via those images?

The better the visuals match up with your brand's mission and goals, the more successful they'll become.


You say content, I say bam!

The world of content marketing is expanding by the day.

Photographed for RXD Co

Everyone's got a podcast. Everyone's got something to sell. And everyone's got what they think is going to be the next best thing since sliced bread.

But when it comes to content, you want yours to be the kind that sticks around forever. The kind that's a little timeless, even if it deals with a topic that never goes out of style, like how to get an Uber on Christmas morning or why sometimes it feels like you're the only person in the world who doesn't have a boyfriend.

That's where we come in. We make sure your content tells a story without having to say anything at all. The kind of story that brings in readers from all over the world and keeps them coming back for more

Packaging Bro’s

When you think of the word "content," what comes to mind?

You might think of your content as a pile of words on a page.

Photographed for Packaging Bro’s

But that's not what content is about.

Content is about your brand. And everything that goes along with it.

It's about your story, and the people who tell it. It's about your customers, and how they find you. It's about how your company grows over time, and how you want it to grow.

Content is the story of your business, told by you—and shared with the world.

Alliance Hemp Co

Content is your brand's house.

It's the first impression that your company makes, even if your brand isn't right in front of someone.

Photographed for Alliance Hemp Co

If a potential customer Googles your brand, they're going to find content—even if it's user-generated. And what they find will either make them want to run away, or make them want to stay put and hang out with you for a while.

The same goes for social media. What are you posting there? Is it compelling? Does it represent who you are as a business? Does it get shared?

Your content is what makes people decide whether or not to share your brand with their friends and family. If you're producing great content, then you'll be rewarded with increased brand awareness and loyal customers.

gold cbd

Content is king.

It's a phrase you've heard a thousand times—and for good reason.

Photographed for Gold Standard CBD

You could have the best-looking landing page in the world, but if it doesn't have a clear message and doesn't tell a story about your brand, it's not going to do much for you.

We understand that content isn't just words on a page. Great content tells a story about your company, your products, and your vision. It takes the reader on an emotional journey that leaves them feeling inspired and ready to take action. And that's exactly what we create with our content creation service—the kind of immersive experience that engages your readers on an emotional level and makes them want to learn more about you and what you do.


Good content tells a story—without saying a word.

And not just any story, either.

Photography for Hyperwolf

(I mean, think about it: if good content could talk, what kind of story would it tell?)

Good content tells a story that is timeless and true. A tale as old as time, as the song goes. Or, at least as old as… you know, the beginning of the internet. (Which is pretty much forever ago in terms of how long ago something had to be for it to seem like "forever ago.")

The point is this: good content lives on long after you first publish it. You can never be totally sure who might stumble upon your brand or your website or your product at some point in the distant future. And when they do—and they inevitably will—you want to make sure that you've done everything you can to make them want to stick around and read even more of your stuff. Right?


What's the one thing that you can't live without?

You may think it's the internet, but guess what? You'd be wrong.

Photographed for Skymint

The one thing you can't live without is content.

Good content doesn't play by the rules. It's not supposed to! That's what makes it intriguing. It's meant to get your attention and keep it, even if you don't realize you're paying attention at first. Content is everywhere and anywhere, but most importantly, it's in everything. Without content, we would have nothing to talk about. We would lose our ability to communicate with one another. There would be no movies or books. No music or television shows. It would be a very sad world without content. So next time you see someone or something that catches your eye, take a second glance and ask yourself this question: "How did they do that?"

Clutch City Farms

How can you build a relationship with your audience?

By building your business on the foundation of quality content.

Photography for Clutch City Farms

When you create content that answers your customers' questions and helps solve their problems, you gain their trust. Trust means they're more likely to buy from you.

So what kind of content should you create? It depends on your audience and your business goals.

You can focus on creating in-depth explainer articles, downloadable eBooks, or even witty social media posts. The key is to make sure it's useful and entertaining for your audience.

Otherside Hemp

Quality content. It's a thing.

And it's a good thing.

Photography for Otherside Hemp

Because when your content is good, your audience gets what they want—which means you're more likely to get what you want. So now that we've established that content is important, let's talk about what makes quality content so… well… quality.

Essentially, it boils down to this: quality content does the following:

Helps build trust between you and your audience

Solves problems for the people who consume it

Makes an audience feel seen and heard

This kind of content isn't always easy to create. It takes time and effort to put out valuable material for your readers—especially if you're not exactly sure what kind of questions they have or what they're looking for from you. But once you figure out how to make quality content, there are all kinds of benefits waiting for you!

Liberty Leaf Canna Co

You're one of those friends, aren't you?

The ones who always has a good answer for every question.

Photography for Liberty Leaf Canna Co

You know, the ones who are always there with a joke or a pick-me-up when your spirits are dragging. Well, we've got news for you: that's not just a personality quirk! You can use that social superpower to help your business make more money.

Content marketing is the act of creating stuff that helps people solve their problems and have fun. The more value you provide without trying to sell them anything, the more trust you earn. Once they trust you, they'll be much more likely to buy from you when they have a problem that your product solves.

By building relationships with your audience in this way, we'll open up conversation between you and them. That means when they want something, they'll come to YOU instead of your competitors!

Wildflower Hemp

You know the saying, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

Photography for Wildflower Hemp

Creating quality content is like teaching someone how to fish. You're not just giving them something that will help them in the short-term. You're giving them something that will help them in the long-run. It's an investment in your audience—and when you invest in others, they'll be more likely to invest in you.

Maybe you're selling an amazing product that your target audience needs but isn't aware of yet. You can create content around how to use that product, or list all of its features—that way, it's clear why people should buy your product instead of your competitors'.

Or maybe you're selling a service that solves problems people are facing. If you teach them how to solve those problems on their own through valuable content, they'll be more likely to trust your advice and recommendations when they turn to you for help in the future.


You don't go to a restaurant because you want to give them your money.

You go because they have quality food and service.

Photography for WNC CBD

And if they do their job right, you'll come back again and again.

It's the same with your business: You need to create quality content to build a relationship with your audience. Answer their questions, interact with your customers—create value without taking anything in return, so that when you do try to sell them something, they trust your advice and recommendations.

Clutch City Farms

Have you ever sent an email to your list

only to find out that it landed in the spam folder?

Photography for Clutch City Farms

Have you ever written a blog post and sat around wishing someone would actually read it?

If you run a business, you want to build an audience. But wouldn't it be great if there were some way to make sure they'd actually get your message? Wouldn't it be even better if you could make sure they pay attention once they do get your message?

You can!

By creating quality content, you'll build a relationship with your audience. You'll have the opportunity to answer their questions and interact with your customers. When you create value without taking anything in return, your audience will trust your advice and recommendations.

Gold CBD

There are a lot of reasons why you need to be consistent with your brand messaging.

Here are the top five:

Photography for Gold CBD

1. You will gain more followers — People like consistency… especially when it comes to brands they love. If you’re not consistent, you risk losing the attention of your audience.

2. Your content will be more focused — When you stay consistent, you’re more likely to stay on-topic with your posts and cover more of the topics that matter to your target audience.

3. You’ll build trust — Consistency is a form of reliability, and if you can be reliable in your content creation, then people will begin to trust what you have to say and what you’re selling.

4. It’s easier for people to remember you — And easier for them to decide if they want to do business with you in the future.

5. It will help position your business as an authority — If people see that your brand is consistent and reliable, then they will see you as an expert in your field.

Zazaderafa Farms

Two things matter when it comes to great product photos:

clarity and energy.

Photography for Zazaderafa Farms

The first thing that every visitor is looking for is a clear image of what you’re selling. Without that, it’s impossible to convey any other information. And if you want people to stay longer on your site – whether it’s for shopping or just gathering information – then having clean, dynamic images will keep them engaged and wanting more.