
Have you ever seen a photo and thought,

"I wonder what that image was trying to communicate?"

Photographed for Alliance

Maybe what it was trying to communicate was, "I sauteed mushrooms for HOURS for this dish, and it's about to get even better with a sprinkle of these porcini mushrooms that I've dried myself."

Or maybe it was, "This is the PERFECT fall outfit."

Or maybe it was, "There are SO many types of sushi!"

Or maybe that's not what it was trying to communicate at all. Maybe it was trying to sell you something. Maybe it was just trying to make you laugh.

So much can be communicated with an image. And so much of that communication is dependent on one thing: good design. Good design can make or break a visual—it can elevate something good into something great or turn an incredible idea into something that makes people go "Huh?"

Good design takes work. It takes collaboration and iteration and the ability to look at your creation from every angle. It takes knowing when your design is working and when it isn't—and being willing to start over and do things differently if it isn't. Great visual design can tell a story, evoke emotion, and help you achieve your goals.