
Good content tells a story—without saying a word.

And not just any story, either.

Photography for Hyperwolf

(I mean, think about it: if good content could talk, what kind of story would it tell?)

Good content tells a story that is timeless and true. A tale as old as time, as the song goes. Or, at least as old as… you know, the beginning of the internet. (Which is pretty much forever ago in terms of how long ago something had to be for it to seem like "forever ago.")

The point is this: good content lives on long after you first publish it. You can never be totally sure who might stumble upon your brand or your website or your product at some point in the distant future. And when they do—and they inevitably will—you want to make sure that you've done everything you can to make them want to stick around and read even more of your stuff. Right?